Critical Reading Review

Objectives of Critical Review

  1. A critical review should identify the central argument of the piece, evaluate its logic and then assess the appropriateness of the evidence presented. So the first thing to do is to excavate the argument and summarise it into two or three "pithy" sentences. This might require you to compare the views put forward in other texts: exactly how is this one different? What assumptions does this paper make? How valid are these assumptions? Which arguments are more persuasive? Why? Why does the issue seem to be so important (Why are we talking about it?)?
  2. As well, the review should identify exactly what the piece is attempting to do-that is you will need to establish its relationship with the broader literature.Does your reading of the passage suggest an entirely new approach to the issue you are dealing with? Does it reject other's views? Does it agree with one particular argument or does it generally agree with another argument, but call for minor or major qualifications to that argument? What are those qualifications?
  3. Your critical reading review should include:
    • a discussion of what the paper attempts to do
    • the quality of that attempt
    • and its significance for the broader field